Why not Conniption? | Teen Ink

Why not Conniption?

March 20, 2008
By Anonymous

kill me in my sleep why don't you
stab me in the heart
end my stupid, sorry life
stop it before it starts

kill me in my sleep why don't you
strangle me with bare hands
leave me lying in the dirt
leave me in the sand

kill me in my sleep why don't you
smother me smooth and quick
i'll struggle like a smoldering candle
before you snuff out my wick

kill me in my sleep why don't you
don't worry i don't care
just know that what you did to me
wasn't really fair

kill me in my sleep why don't you
just don't do it yet
but i hope when you think back
you're swallowed with regret

kill me in my sleep why don't you
i'm obviously not well built
yet i hope and pray with all my might
you drown in all the guilt

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