The Beauty of Life | Teen Ink

The Beauty of Life

March 19, 2008
By Anonymous

Life is beautiful to the point of overwhelming happiness
Words cannot describe the wonders of our existence.
We rejoice and cry, we live and we die
But life is not about the immediate desire to be happy
Only we seem to worry that if we do not get a full enjoyment
Out of our mortal lives, then we failed
What, friends, have we failed if the ever-pressing yearning for happiness
Is not fulfilled? Nothing, I tell you; for life is not about our pleasure on Earth,
But about our eternal future. Have we lost anything if we do not gain it first?
No, therefore we should not care that we have missed an opportunity, but instead
Look forward to the opportunities that lay before us
So I urge you, do not fret over what you have missed, and do not
Live every day ignoring all opportunities so that you are not disappointed if you miss them
But instead be alert and have a joyous attitude so that what you do not miss, you can cherish!

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