Isaiah | Teen Ink


March 18, 2008
By Anonymous

He is the light that shines through the darkness, the beauty that erases the ugliness in my mind…

His innocence of the unknown

World, how I wish I could protect

Him from all he need not know…
I want him to see rainbows through stormy skies, to choose a path not yet traveled…

One of happiness and joy…

To never stop feeling the way he feels on Christmas morning…

To never stop believing that the world is his…

To know that his dreams can come true…

May he always feel the love that surrounds him,

May that love mend his broken heart,

Erase the tears that bring him sorrow,

Protect him and guide him to the path of happiness…
He is like a star fallen from a moonlit sky…

Let him know that I think of him always…

I will love him forever…

I will do whatever I can to make him shine!!

(Dedicated to my 11 year old cousin, Isaiah, who was just diagnosed type 1 Diabetes)

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