Adventure of death | Teen Ink

Adventure of death

January 8, 2012
By MannuSharma PLATINUM, Sonepat, Other
MannuSharma PLATINUM, Sonepat, Other
23 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
never give up

When i passed out school,
When i bought my own car,
When i picked some tool,
And i looked at the star.

All was looking,
All was looking well,
When i turned to my neighborhood,
All was looking like hell.

The neighbor was very freaky.
All there was sticky-sticky.

I picked a hammer in hand
And i banged it on the land.
There was then nothing but sand.
I thought that this is the end.

But when i walked a step closer,
And i went into a house.
There were monsters like bull-dozers
And there were couple of undead spouse.

I tried to kill them with hammer.
But then they eated the iron.
I was not so good gamer.
So,i pressed the siren.

The couple ran away and went.
And i walked to search some of my friend.
I found a boy's hand bend.
Then i started to help the wounded hand.

The was a mysterious boy.
Something was different about him.
He was looking like a rubber boy.
And he was as soft as cream.

When i touched his hands,
To make his hands normal.
His hands automatically get shaped,
Into a red bull skull.

I was amazed and i was also fearsome.
Because the boy sticked to me like a gum.
I tasted him and i said that your taste is so yum-yum.
Then the boy vanished with a sound "dum-dum".

I walked 3km more.
I was seeing the beautiful sea-shore.
But it won't remain beautiful no more.
Because the might monsters were coming with a roar.

After a minute the sea-shore changed into red.
I thought that there might be dead people floating on the river bed.
I tried to hide myself in a tree shade.

Nothing is left to tell you my loving people.
Because there was not me,only there my dead body people.
They caught me and eated me like i was there party snack.
And when they caught me,i closed my eyes and i didn't look back.

The author's comments:
I was thinking about adventure and i write this poem and i tried to give it an adventurous theme.hope you all like it.

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