Fragile Nature | Teen Ink

Fragile Nature

January 4, 2012
By MRollin BRONZE, Tucson, Arizona
MRollin BRONZE, Tucson, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

An inconceivable sight.
Water so clear,
sky flawless, a light blue.
Little waves crawl up the shore.

Chilly and a slight breeze.
I sit in the water’s edge,
black from head to toe, keeping warm.

I search for seashells, sifting sand.
Feeling brittle edges flow through my fingers.
Everything moves around me
as cold water whisks around my lower half.

With no expectations
something catches my eye.
Laying along the surface,
perhaps a baby eel?

With cradled hands
I slowly lift,
to my surprise
a tiny, black, weightless sea horse.

I am speechless,
an unbelievable find,
a soft snowflake.

I run with my feet barely skimming the sand,
to show my dad.
My family huddles around, taking pictures
of him in my hands.

Filling a depression in the sand with water,
I place him delicately
into a new, undisturbed home.

After watching the extraordinary creature,
I needed to bring him back to the water,
where he will survive.

Walking while carrying a dandelion in the wind.
Searching for a space
without waves hitting the shore like angry dogs.
I step carefully into the water
avoiding shards of glass,
I let nature go.

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