From the Deepest Pits of the Ocean | Teen Ink

From the Deepest Pits of the Ocean

April 4, 2008
By Anonymous

From the deepest pits of the ocean
Came the merciless demon
His desires nothing but death
Leaving whole cities without breath

He arrived with great pride
Destroying all in his path
Its chaos separating family’s whole
Ripping heart from soul

As soon as the beast came, it went
Having accomplished his intent
Bringing hopelessness to the city
Making it nothing but a pity

But the beast was very wrong
Very wrong, indeed
For there will always be hope
For all those in need

The beast could not believe his eyes
Average people working as one
Undoing what the beast had done
Proving that he had not won

I took away their homes
I took away their families,
I took away their life, but
I could not take away their hope

And as he started to wane away
He realized something that day
Something he had not seen before
His last thought he would explore

Hope will always live
Hope will always be
Hope cannot be destroyed
Hope lives in all who believe

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