Saying Good-Bye | Teen Ink

Saying Good-Bye

November 21, 2011
By AshleighNicole BRONZE, Fruitport, Michigan
AshleighNicole BRONZE, Fruitport, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the cheap wooden chairs
That have been used too many times before
The pastor speaks
And we take in the words
That he has already spoken

The same words
Over and over
A different story each time
This time, a story close to my heart
A story with a theme that cannot be described
Other than by

Your hero
Your teacher
Your grandpa
Laying there
As we whisper our final good-byes

The music is played
This being the only time
The lyrics are accepted

I clench my fist
When I hear
The choke in your breathing
As you try to hold back the tears
That need to be
My heart aches
Seeing you in pain

You lost your hero
Your teacher
Your grandpa

I unravel my fist
And place my hand on your
Weak and shaking knees
Hoping to get across to you
That it is okay
I squeeze your thigh
Grab your hand
And watch
The shrieking tears
Fall loudly
From your innocent eyes

The same known words
For the last prayer are given
The same chairs
A different story
With meaning
Meaning lose to heart

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