The Vicious Circle | Teen Ink

The Vicious Circle

March 31, 2008
By Anonymous

The dirge resonates through the house of mirrors.
A bell tolls in the void.
Denouncing more evidence to the vicious circle.
The moon rises and the day falls.
And it all repeats.

A man awakens.
He is killed by another.
The dirge resonates through the house of mirrors.
A bell tolls in the void.
Denouncing more evidence to the vicious circle.
The moon rises and the day falls.

And it all repeats.
The other man awakens.
He is wiped away by the juggernaut of conflict.
The moon rises and the day falls.
And it all repeats.

And with the turning of centuries,
Social Destruction.
Moral Obstruction.
The ways have changed
The instincts are the same.
The tactics are untouched.
Then, in a flash, it's all the same.

The dirge resonates through the house of mirrors.
A bell tolls in the void.
Denouncing more evidence to the vicious circle.
The moon rises and the day falls.
And it all repeats.

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