Laying Still | Teen Ink

Laying Still

August 23, 2011
By Hannahlynn BRONZE, Ft Washington, Pennsylvania
Hannahlynn BRONZE, Ft Washington, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The World keeps spinning,I keep closing my eyes.
The pain isn't worth it.
My heart can't stand it.
My keep hearing whispers that guard me from the outside into space.
I don't know how to explain all the tears and the cries that torment my corpse laying still and frigid, onto the baked grassy meadows.
The sun is burning into my soul, but I lay frail and white.
Every night I hope someone can save me from my miserable dreams.
I can feel myself dead and the slight whimpers that drown my breathing into the cloudy night, being lifeless.
Where is anyone, someone to save a young-ling like me..........
The sun has left me and the world starts to slowdown. The pain drowns me and my tears to heavenly sleep.
I sit and decompose. My body is stopping. The last thing I listen to is my last wimp of air.
I'm fading away!

The author's comments:
My name is Hannah Kidder.
I have learn to love to write and also I hope you like my poem.
I hope people can feel like they are there in my poem and feel what the person is feeling!

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