Our World | Teen Ink

Our World

February 29, 2008
By Anonymous

Looking back I never really realized how much odasity people have to create perdition in our world we are supposed to call home
Is it bad enough for us to even be born out of our mothers womb and be brought here?
Dead silence awaits us, the wind has an eerie sound when we listen carefully, the creaking noise of a ferris wheel truning very slowly
It's like staining a beautiful white wedding dress on a wedding day to a dark grungy black
I feel i have to bomb places just to have peace for not even five mintues
Looking up in the late night sky, stars are spakling, then it explodes into dust and gases as far as i can see
Thinking occasionally about the differences between right and wrong
Choosing precisly about which step i should take first in that direction
Being subsequently yourself, no problems, then another being comes and you don't even think, you change
I guess we all say that's what makes the world go round?
It's like taking a picture, once that flash happens thats it
Having my own will to speak my mind, to let my voice be herard
Dwelling by the Second, Praying that our World will improve
Basically, our world has nothing better to do but spin and spin year after year, and day after day until our sun dies and there is no more world for us to be apart in

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