She Gave Me Wings | Teen Ink

She Gave Me Wings

December 23, 2007
By Anonymous

She gave me wings to fly
When I felt like falling down
All of the love and support she gave was my gravity
Whenever I was soon to give up
She helped me soar high again

She gave me a heart of love and company
Giving it lots of joy and care
She made me feel more special than ever
The one who I will never replace
And the one who makes life living

She gave me dreams sure to come true
She told me I could be anything I wanted
If I just put my mind into it
Nightmares never existed
And I would be champion for all won

She gave me power and strength
The world was in my hands
And I was in control of my thoughts
Without power and strength I wouldn't be able to achieve what life has to offer

Thank you granny
for the wings I use to soar high
You've been my teacher and friend in disguise for so long
You tought me all birds can fly
And with a little strength and courage
I can to.

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