Unstoppable | Teen Ink


February 29, 2008
By Anonymous

sketches made on fresh pages
streaks of black
splotches of red
stains of sweetness
drops of regret
as the page turns
growing hate from the gut of love
trickery and lies
curtain of stoic expression unveiled by the truth
necessities and desires, interwined through your speech
desire evolves into unobtainable hope
the ink freezes in the pen
the pages come to halt
aimlessly writing and writing
scratching my thoughts my emotions my soul
words become dimunitive
my hand sores from the pressured speed
hoping for an outlet of my imagination and my dreams
racing time before it standstills
every effort every sweaty pore dedicated into pouring out
total concentration
total focus
pure spirited emotions rush out my body
as if the anticipated river broke
uncontrollable, untamable
charging out in abandon

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