Shade, Shadow, and Vampires | Teen Ink

Shade, Shadow, and Vampires

January 11, 2008
By Anonymous

Death seeks our wholesome grave,
Wondering this lonely place,
Looking for shadow and shade,
Desolating wonders walk among the living,
Shattered glass pierces cold flesh,
Rivers of blood clash,
Lights betray the breathing,
Scorching harts of the good,
Loveless beings rise from tombs,
Killing themselves again,
Agene and torture control,
People think why this evil is here,
Mocking them and impaling them,
They have to watch their loved ones,
Their loved ones to be eaten,
Blades from death slit wrists,
Shedding blood till there is none left,
Slaughtering waking eyes,
None shall survive this deathly moment,
In hollow paths their consumed,
Night walkers can’t turn to ash,
They are immortal,
But day walkers will soon,
Lurk in the darkness,
Souls become deformed,
Funeral songs turn into nightmares,
Heaven’s gates close on all wickedness,
Souls scarred and alone,
Sleeping is left behind,
We follow the whispers of the night walkers,
But run if one falls in a pool of blood,
Thorns stabbing hands of shame,
Bleeding the blood they once had,
Depression regains the ones it lost,
Lost to the ones who are good and kind,
None can stop this Black Plague,
Death will find us that is true.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 11 2011 at 12:03 pm
your poem is great! i am a teen poet and i love your work!!! you should get this published....