Who am I kidding? | Teen Ink

Who am I kidding?

February 9, 2008
By Samantha Reyes SILVER, Coral Gables, Florida
Samantha Reyes SILVER, Coral Gables, Florida
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Who am I kidding? Nothing as it seemed. Maybe it was an allusion, or
maybe a dream. My life undone. We are no longer one. I beg you to remeber
me as we used to be. Help me go on because I need to stay strong.
Noone can know of how it went. for even when it snows I want my secret well
kept. Help me understand what it means to forget cause sometimes I can
barely stand the regret. I don't need to see what is truly you or me.
I want to live my life in darkness because I worry that the light will
shock us. Lay down for a while and murmur in my ear all the things I
want to hear. And when you leave don't tell me you'll come back cause I
know this is the end. That is the fact.

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