February 4, 2008
By Anonymous

The fragile glass door opened
And the wind blew in
You didn’t think to close the door
A subtle, bitter sin

The frigid breeze went through the house
Chilling to the bone
But still you didn’t push it shut
Stood frozen all alone

You saw the frost rise in her cheeks
Saw steam drift from her lips
The glacial tone spread from her face
Right to her fingertips

I warned you about the ice said she
It freezes all but time
For you will sit and watch the clock
As movement frost will bind

The cold entered your body, too
Sparked a deep, and dark blue flame
You smile became laced with icicles
Your eyes a blizzard none could tame

You turned and faced the open door
Let snow land on your head
Silently she crumpled to the floor
Her lips now frozen, dead

Your heart of ice stayed lodged within
And Oh! How cold you felt
Until you say her lying there
Then you began to melt

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