Being in the NBA | Teen Ink

Being in the NBA

May 2, 2011
By Anonymous

Stepping on the hardwood floor for the first time,
I am the rookie and these are great players.
Drafted number one overall and people expected great.
All I can do now is prove.
My hands had the amount of sweat like the ocean having the amount of water,
I was nervous, scared like I saw a scary movie.
Fans on my home court cheering, excited,
Seeing new potential reveal.
I felt like I was not ready for the big stage,
Maybe one more year of college ball?

What if I am not good?
What if I mess up?
What if my career goes down?
What if I get hurt?
What if I get booed?
I don’t know.

Getting the first pass of my career.
Swish goes the net,
On my childhood hero.
Eyes wide open,
A childhood dream.
Calm, ready and cool now,
I am ready for anything.
Forty- eight minutes go by,
My head rises high,
Seeing 30 points, 10 rebounds, 12 assists, and 10 steals next to my name,
My rookie debut.

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