It Was Fun While It Lasted.... | Teen Ink

It Was Fun While It Lasted....

January 18, 2008
By Anonymous

We can just go along
as if it didnt happen.
You dont have to
break your stare away from me.
I know what we did.
No point in ghost playing
but i fear
that's what our past is doing.
It's lurking on us
on every step
and on every thought we have.
We can't see it.
Don't hold back.
Let it hit you
in the softest part.
We can just go along
as if it didnt happen.
Break your stare away from me,
if you must.
But the feelings are still there.
They're not vague.
Go along in our separate ways.
Take the easy way out.
Isnt that your specialty?
Go play hide-and go seek
like last time
but this time you're alone.
No one's going to find you
in your hiding spot.
I won't avoid you.
I'm no ghost player.
Let the past haunt me
but i'll live.
Pretend i'm not alive
but you'll always be playing that game.
You'll grow sick of it
and i'll watch you choke on it
and die
and when you do
dont bring me at fault

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