The Place | Teen Ink

The Place

January 18, 2008
By Anonymous

Sitting here in my seat, hoping and waiting for that day…
The day that we will be a family together again.
Waiting for everyone to return home to the land of our birth
When they will come home from the land across the sea,
The land of castles, fairytale stairs and the land of palaces, heat, and war.

The searing heat, like fire and the scour of fine sand…
Mountains of sand, waiting to up rise with the wind, blinding soldiers,
Soldiers fighting for freedom, ours and others,
Guns blazing, bombs exploding.

The place where some don’t make it back home…
Loved ones’, hearts sinking down, worried for their soldiers.
Soldiers fighting side by side to stay alive,
So they can come back and play with their children.
Families, lonely, waiting for their soldiers to come back through that door,
The door that holds their childhood and their memories

Families fearing what might happen over there across the sea…
Anxiously listening to the news and praying that everything is okay.
Children hoping daddy and brother are safe in a foreign country.
Death knocking always on their door,
But with daddy fighting death bravely to come back home!!

Families fighting loneliness, fear, separation…
All the burdens that the war brings upon them.
The war took daddy and brother away to over there.
Yet still, separated by what seems like for a thousand years,
To see daddy and brother again, face to face in the safety of home.
Holding each breath, in a silent prayer still waiting for that day to come
Soon from that place…

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