cross country | Teen Ink

cross country

January 10, 2008
By Anonymous

Quiet as a mouse
Grass standing by my feet
Adrenalin building, building
BANG goes the gun
Running, running through the grass

The wind in my face
The dirt on my shoes
I’m like a cheetah charging toward the front
Running, running to the front
Running, running with swift speed

I’m almost there
Standing on my neck is my hair
Running, running faster, faster
I hope to be the cross-country master

A speeding car
Pushing, pushing to gain some speed
Running, running to take the lead

Closer, closer to the line
I’m so glad I’m not behind
What will my time be 6, 7, or 8

I see the line
With the crowd cheering
Crossing, crossing the line
Yelling, yelling, screaming loud

Sighing, sighing, now I’ve won
I went faster, faster
Now I’m the cross-country master
Standing, waiting for the judge

Shining, shining, very bright
I’ve done it
Receiving my medal
Now turn out that light
Let me sleep with peace tonight

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