forever and a day | Teen Ink

forever and a day

June 12, 2008
By Anonymous

they used to be my getaway
them days i fall
able to turn my head away
from it all

when things begin to pile up
they kept my smile up
and now it seems..
everything good; is juss in my dreams
just so far away
...from the everyday.

it feels just so wrong.
everythings gone
the fam, the love, the game.
things not the same.
this makes me wanna give up
and not keep my head up.

open up my hands
and its nothing there
it seems so unfair
no one else does; so why should i care?
but this is life.
and it aint life..
without a fight
dont worry bout me
i will be alright
i will fight this fight

so i fake a smile till the day
that the fake goes away.
and when i dont have to lie; when i say.
im happy

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