Accidents Happen | Teen Ink

Accidents Happen

January 7, 2008
By Anonymous

My friends mean everything to me.
They are good people that don’t get into trouble.
One day we were invited to a party,
This is where the trouble began.
When we got there everyone was waiting,

Some people were out of control.
We saw some cups of liquid and drank them,
We felt dizzy and weird.
We felt so tired that we went home
I couldn’t really see the road,
And that’s when the big rig came.
I remember waking up in the hospital.
My family was all around me crying,
They were telling me that I was lucky.
For I ask why was that,
They said my friends died in the crash,
From then on of that accident,
I will never get into trouble.
I will think before I act,
I will not drink and drive again

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