Words of an Angel | Teen Ink

Words of an Angel

June 9, 2008
By Anonymous

Why my dear
Why do you cry
Why do you believe that stupid lie?
You'll be okay, I promise you that
Just stand firm
Don't be their welcome mat
I'm here to help you dry your tears
I'm here to help you face your fears
I know the pain you feel inside
I know how bad you want to hide
But you don't have to hide anymore
Because my dear
That's what I'm here for
I see the scars
You wear in your sleeve
But you're loved more than you believe
I see you're angry and full of hate
But that's no reason to choose your fate
Please my dear
Clear your head
Pay no mind to what they said
You're beautiful through God's eyes
And he doesn't believe those stupid lies
Yes my dear
He's all you need
One day this you will see
There's so much left to learn in life
For you to be reaching for the knife
I know you're asking, "Who are you?
And why should I listen to what you tell me to do?"
But my dear
I'm here to show love
I'm an angel sent from up above
So when you hear, what they said
Let these words of an angel
Run through your head

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This article has 2 comments.

the w. said...
on Oct. 9 2008 at 8:45 pm
to who ever posted the last comment i never did but i looked up the lyrics and i can see why you would say that. =)

ilb<3 said...
on Aug. 27 2008 at 10:57 pm
im guessing you've heard the song

"Conversations with my 13 year old self" by PINK.

if you havent u should look up the lyrics :D