Waiting for Michael | Teen Ink

Waiting for Michael

June 8, 2008
By Anonymous

It is the summer of two thousand and eight.
The sun has sunk and now I resume my wait.
I wait for the sun to rise and sink tomorrow
So I can mellow down this dreadful sorrow.

It’s been a couple and a half months ago
When I had to heartbreakingly let you go.
I was on the brink of an emotional meltdown
As I tearfully watched you drive out of town.

Parting from you is never easy for me.
Let me bribe you with honey and some iced tea.
Then we’ll cozy up and watch a movie
Like lovers at dusk by the sea.

If the sun rises and I wake up in your arms,
Expect fresh, brewed coffee before your clock alarms.
If we sail through the day without a fight,
You’re definitely in for a long, steamy night.

But if you’ll pack your bags and head out the door,
My heart will be torn apart down to the core.
And if you’ll kiss and bid me goodbye,
Hold me close one last time while I cry.

You promised me that everything between us will be fine
And that we’ll be together again in two-and-a-half-months time.
“Distance makes the heart grow fonder”, you always say.
Then why the heck did it make you drive me away?

You ignored me for a week and left me clueless,
Not a single text message or phone call—it left me restless.
I hate it when you refuse to communicate with me across the miles.
Above all, I detest your desertion while my heart bled over the tiles.

It drives me extremely jealous and mad
When I think about you holding some other girl’s hand.
It makes me want to wish for a magic wand
In order to drown her in a mighty quicksand.

There’s a lurking sense of fear and anxiety
That you might replace me for another booty.
I don’t intend to share you with anyone else
Because I believe in faithful love and wedding bells.

I often find myself basking in the memories of the past.
Could this relationship improve and would it last?
In contrast to yesteryear’s constant texts and phone calls,
This scorching summer managed to separate us with icy walls.

Parental control over our relationship makes me feel violated.
We’re consenting adults and maturity should be motivated.
I liken our enduring love to a bamboo plant on a test.
It will, with no doubt, sway gracefully along with the tempest.

Admitting to one another that our love is true
Provides me hope when I’m down and blue.
And just like bamboos in a raging storm, we will sway in sync;
Withstand the trials, nurture the love, and strengthen the link.

I’m scared to fall in love and watch my heart shatter to pieces
But you came into my life and showed me love’s many creases.
That amidst the rugged path we encounter along those folds,
In between them lie several flat surfaces where hope molds.

A hope that happiness can result from these imperfections.
A hope that you will love me dear despite all the distractions.
A hope for a lifetime togetherness as I search for a sign.
A hope to cherish you, journey with you, and forever be mine.

At times we bicker and fight, I know.
But that’s normal so please don’t go.
Lavish me with care, respect, and devotion.
Show me love in your every single motion.

As I lie awake for the arrival of tomorrow’s daybreak,
I realize we’ll be reunited again in a week, give or take.
I call out your name every minute that you’re not here.
“Michael, my love, my soul mate, I wish you were near.”

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