The Trail of Tears | Teen Ink

The Trail of Tears

January 31, 2011
By Anonymous

Huddling people in the cold
The sick and starving take the road
Look back to see their property again
Be taken by the white man.

Thousand miles to lands unknown
To foreign grounds and fields unsown
Never again to hunt in peace
For them, the suffering will never cease.

Death strikes many along the trail
Young and old and those who ail.
Along the path lie shallow graves
Most of which still lost today.

That journey called the Trail of Tears
Makes the irony of all this clear
We took their land and yet we say
“With liberty and justice for all”

The author's comments:
I was inspired while watching a documentary on the "Trail of Tears", a tragedy when American troops forced the Cherokee Indians to leave their rightful land. Many of the Natives died on this harsh journey. Isn't it ironic that this country is built around liberty and justice when it was built on slavery and cruelty?

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