Unique Eighteenth | Teen Ink

Unique Eighteenth

December 17, 2007
By Anonymous

Celebrating birthdays is a tradition.
The ability to vote is a fought for right,
Parties are planned ahead of time with thoughtfulness,
Voting is the hope is the hope your candidate will be victorious.

Birthdays list reveal desires,
Casting a considered by older generations as a civic duty.
Birthdays are celebrated with family and friends,
Voting is patiently waiting in a never ending line.

Balloons, streamers, and cake are a must to make the party come to life,
Newly named President celebrates in a decorated hall.
Birthdays that are like a frozen photograph last for all time,
Voting for the first time gives you a sense of being Patriotic.

Birthdays are a yearly joy,
Presidential elections happen only every four years.
Waiting with anticipation for the party day to painstakingly arrive,
Elections steam role their way through states.

Birthdays are the best when they fall on important dates,
Elections are always the first Tuesday in November.
Waiting in line to vote is going to be my eighteenth birthday memory.

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