This Heart Has Changed Its Address | Teen Ink

This Heart Has Changed Its Address

December 16, 2007
By Anonymous

She woke up late
without eyes
nor could she feel
it was no surprise
she had died

she ripped open her chest
and was hurt to find
her heart rotting and open

inside was a room
in a state of disrepair
walls and ceiling
decaying in the rotten air

inside was her life
and he was packing his bags
regardless of her strife
he had killed her with a knife
and covered his face in rags

sickened and caged
running to the floor
and ran into a mirror
in pink ink, all over her body
was the evidence she needed

regardless of the consequences
and to the wind with her love
abandoning her promises
He had come to collect her debt

she begged the heavens
to give her one more chance
take back her misery

her breath was a waste of time
and trying a waste of breath
because she had used her final moments
to try to call him back
but no one answered her pleas

and she cried black tears that night
and couldnt sleep
for the dead never do
never again felt the mornings light

because the sun was gone
and the grass was gone
color and sugar too

all that was left
of her poor wretched mind

dried crusty blood
sticky and tasty
slowing her thoughts
salt burning down the tongue
where her words should have been
but were no more

turning off the light
when he took her face
and closed the door..


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