Love and War | Teen Ink

Love and War

December 13, 2007
By Anonymous

All’s fair
love and war
said the refugee
to the whore

how can you be
so self assure
that all’s fair
in love and war.

there was a man
who walked the road
and came upon
a love so sewed

that it had grown
in time and peace
only to find
a harsh release

All’s fair
love and war
said the refugee
to the whore

how can you be
so self assure
that all’s fair
in love and war.

I saw a flower
bloom and grow
only to wither
in the snow

like the man
who walked away
only to die
alone that day.

All’s fair
love and war
said the refugee
to the whore

how can you be
so self assure
that all’s fair
in love and war.

There was a little
girl and boy
who with love’s concept
they did toy

But death took one
of his great loves
and so all others
away it shoves.

Hell hath no fury
like women scorned
but strength can’t come
to those not forwarned

that there are those
who break more than bones
just leaving shells of those
now just unkowns.

All’s fair
love and war
said the refugee
to the whore

how can you be
so self assure
that all’s fair
in love and war.

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