First Day of School | Teen Ink

First Day of School

December 19, 2007
By Anonymous

First day of school,
No one, you know.
Don’t want the bell

to ring.
That mean it’s time,
to find a place to sit
among the unknown.

It rings.
You go.
Slowly you walk,
dragging your feet.
Down the halls,
to the lunch room.

You are lost.
Walking to the line,
thats more like a mosh pit.
Grab your food,
Its time to go.

Go sit down.
You sit.
People glare.
You move.
People stare.

Into the bathroom you go.
Eating your lunch in the stall.
A tear rolls down,
and falls on your knee.
It’s the first day of school,
the first and the worst.

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