The Fire-Breathing Dragon-duck | Teen Ink

The Fire-Breathing Dragon-duck

June 4, 2008
By Anonymous

With a tail as scaly as his hide
and a beak scorched with flames,
the Fire-Breathing Dragon-duck
goes by many names.

A quack as fierce as a lion’s roar,
and claws sharp a spiky,
the Fire-Breathing Dragon-duck
scares the meek and flighty.

He eats buttercups and baby bear cubs
and swims all day, or night.
Laying in the dazzling sun
his furry scales shine bright!

As fierce and strong as Dragon-duck be
he is as small as a duck, you see.
For though he is part dragon-quack
he’s got a knack for cuddling with me.
All day, all night, in sunshine bright—
My scaly chickadee.

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