Damnation | Teen Ink


October 23, 2010
By bal138 BRONZE, Placerville, California
bal138 BRONZE, Placerville, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Strength is within, find it and prevail"

stepping to a different rythym
glancing past stupidity
watching from a distance
grinning at arrogance
staring at failure

my days have became the same dense color
everything blends together
following the one you have never met
oh how joyful it is to sit back and watch damnation begaining

Vain sticks to the blindest
behind dark eyes
they all look the same to me
dullness forever among them

thus being the face of humanity
being a good laugh laugh for a lifetime
stamer at a new idea
trample the odd color, not willing to blend

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