Ode to the Years | Teen Ink

Ode to the Years

October 25, 2010
By Cameron Telker BRONZE, Manchester, Missouri
Cameron Telker BRONZE, Manchester, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ode to the years that lead to this now,
Although when I look back, I can’t remember how.
They went by so fast; it’s all a blur,
Looking back at everyone and the people they were.
It’s funny how they change, I could never have thought
That these people I knew and originally sought
Could become an existence beyond that of mine,
Perfect and untouched by the sands of time.
The memories I have will never age,
As I write them down from page to page.
The book is my head and I hold it dear,
Looking back again, everything becomes clear.
What I didn’t realize from just moments before:
The people I knew weren’t something I could ignore.
Always surprising me and continuing to astound.
They affected me each day just by being around.
It’s because of them that I can probably say
That I am beginning to understand each passing day.
Originally confused, I had forgotten my place,
Looking in the mirror, but not seeing my face.
I was feeling it all through a false sense.
Not caring at all, my mind was so dense.
I had become so used to the things that I see,
I had forgotten that the person in the mirror was me.
But the experiences over time have opened my eyes,
And I think that maybe I’ve become a bit more wise.
So ode to the years that have lead to this now.
And I think I’ve finally begun to understand how.

The author's comments:
I'm always thinking about stuff like this, so i just put it down into a poem.

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