Spoonful of Sugar | Teen Ink

Spoonful of Sugar

November 29, 2007
By Anonymous

Mom serves Thumper for dinner
And gives me Ariel’s Trident
to eat him with.
But I don’t want to eat Thumper
(He has feelings too)
So instead I steal Pooh’s honey
And my fingers are slick with gold
And then,
The hunchback rings the bell.
And Mom quickly goes to her room.
Slinky trots over to me,
With Mickey Mouse in his jaws.
‘Bad Boy!’ I tell him.
But he just goes onto the magic carpet,
to eat him.
And then Mom comes back out,
Wearing Cinderella’s glass slippers.
She goes to the door,
Where the Beast gives mom a rose.

And she smiles.

And I think Wayne Szalinski Accidentally shrunk me,
Because she can’t hear me calling,
For her- To tell me a story.
Instead she takes Mary Poppins umbrella,
And closes the door behind her.

I go up to Wendy’s bedroom window
And outside I can see Tinkerbelle and her friends-
Dancing with the colors of the wind.
And I see red lights,
Blurred by rain,
Driving away,
From me.
She yells out ‘Bye Sweetie!’
And sometimes,
I think Mom forgets that my name is Alice.

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