The Serial Killer Alphabet Poem | Teen Ink

The Serial Killer Alphabet Poem

October 14, 2010
By Alicia Combs BRONZE, Hammett, Idaho
Alicia Combs BRONZE, Hammett, Idaho
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Abandoned bodies lay side by side
Burning in the immense flames
Curiously he stares at his work
Deeply disturbed within his heart
Emptiness has driven him into hate
Fingers cold and covered in blood
Grinning in evil appearance
He grips his rusty shovel
Inconceivable thoughts load his twisted head
Jittery jolts strike up through his veins
Kneeling to the dirt of burning flesh
Loading soil onto the ashes
Madness fills his bloodshot eyes
Nothing is left of the beings
One small tear slides down his insensitive cheek
Pushed into distress and a loss of hope
Quietly he closes his eyes and pours gasoline over his body
Reaching into his pocket he pulls out his lighter
Seconds pass before his life
Taking one last breath he holds the tool to his heart
Underneath his soul lay the buried ruins
Vengeful against his own actions
Without words he ignites himself
X-ray visions of his smoldering body
Yearning over the past
Zips into the inferno

The author's comments:
I thought it would be cool to write a poem with every letter of the alphabet, and one of my guy friends inspired the whole "serial killer" idea lol :)

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