The end of tommorrow's beginning | Teen Ink

The end of tommorrow's beginning

October 30, 2007
By Anonymous

A jaded figure, standing aloof with a look of truth, gazing at the deprived people

Nothing can hide the truth any longer, the scars run too deep,everything is gone,

freedom is the only hope left. Pain and pleasure, the thin little line, the past, the present, the future,

Saving and preventing, pain and misery, being everything, or nothing

To play the perfect part, to do what is needed

Never knowing what you want,

Make each moment your final curtain call.

It all leads to one solution, your last action

To manipulate

To stare, and no longer feel the crimson tears runnning down so slow

To breathe, to live, and feel like nothing matters, to be able to lose yourself

A lone wolf, howling in the backround, unwavering desire

To take the pain, and laugh as if nothing else matters

Play the paladin, play the villlian, and you learn to be perfect, not for you

But for the ones you must face in the end

To see with eyes unclouded by hate,

to meet thy fate,

to live the dream...

To make it what you wanted it to be,

the one moment, the one perfect moment in which you are free

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