September 27, 2007
By Anonymous

Looking for something you already found, something you know is around but you can’t seem to find it,

It’s somewhere in your mind, somewhere behind the shadow of a great wall of doubt, fear and rejection.

It’s a wall that offers protection, but steals you away from the thing that you love the most, the thing you've been searching for, the one that you found and has buried itself in the ground,

The more you dig through your brain, the more you begin to go insane,

At last you find it beneath the final grain of sand, only for it to once again become lost between the pages of your great book of ages, the stories of your past, the years before the mast at the hands of your tormentors, the great demon dictators.

You can’t seem to find what you had so many years ago, now that all you can grasp is a fleeting memory and as you near the end of your toils, you give a great gasp

At the restored beauty of the happiness you once had.

Sigh as you slip into the great eye of the

warm blue sky that is now Your only existence.

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