September 26, 2007
By Anonymous

Closed minds with no known future ambitions

Humans stuck in debt like they have years of tuition

Not paid off

No room to breathe

Everyones catches the deadly cuaff

A world that undermines all opinions

When making life changing decisions

No on has no vision

A world that shakes and crumbles

Like an earthquake has been present

A world where color splits royalty from the peasants

A world that's divided just by one proposal

One that throws are past accomplishment up for disposal

One that's closed minded

And so blinded

Because people don't care to share their vote

It's like they're afraid a teacher might crumble it up like a bad note

A world that doesn't speak out

Like there's flem caught in it's throat

Judging by the clock this world's time is up

Like a outside of a car door its' filled with rust

But we can make a change

We can head to the poles, "Vote" and stop acting like its strange

V.O.T.E. because your future is what you make it to be

Closed mines can be no more

We can all be free

We can all open our eyes and we can all see

Sunny days through the thick leaves on the trees, don't freeze

Just hold on to your future like you hold on to your life

Cherish your future like men suppose to cherish thier wife


And take control of your life


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