Overdue | Teen Ink


August 6, 2010
By Kaavon GOLD, Carson, Mississippi
Kaavon GOLD, Carson, Mississippi
17 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Words, so powerless and innocent as they are as standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them.

I let go of what was once there,
In light of finding something more,
Something as beasutiful as it is rare.

I was part of something I couldn't share,
Somehow trapped on both sides of the door,
It was far, far more than I could bear.

To speak the truth I wouldn't dare,
Instead, left it withering on the floor,
And made miserable a happy pair.

Gone is the time for doing what is fair,
As now the selfish tide comes ashore,
Glistening in the midnight sun's glare.

My mask as thin as the summer air,
But she had only enough courage to ignore,
And I so boldy saw nothing with my stare.

Then only our hearts were left to tear,
As our lives hung over our silence and gore,
Sheltered was our pain, but our faith was left bare,
And our sleeves were left with no hearts to wear.

The author's comments:
(Then) WE = US (Now) WE = SHE & I

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