IÕll listen to this song, | Teen Ink

IÕll listen to this song,

September 1, 2007
By Anonymous

IÕll listen to this song, Until IÕm sick of it; Until IÕm stuck with it, And it never goes away. I want you in my heart forever. The pictures of you are still on my wall I taped them on extra good, so theyÕd be the last to fall. I know that it hurts to see me cry, But if I didnÕt my heart would stop And IÕd die. ItÕs hard to walk side by side and not grab your hand; If you were me youÕd understand. I canÕt look at your straight and not want to kiss your face. (You had me at hello) I was a quiet spoken girl, with her head hung low. I tripped on your voice and fell down, down real deep; I knew youÕd be all I need. You were so afraid of breaking my heart, That you were completely put in the dark; Because I just want to see you smile If it means I have to leave for a while. My heart doesnÕt matter in this case, but before I go, my heart just wants to sayÉ You had me at helloÉ

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