Love | Teen Ink


May 30, 2008
By Anonymous

Love is everything.
It drives us crazy,
We thrive for it.

It's unberable,

but we know it's there waiting fo us.

We dream about the day we embracethe feeling,

no matter wether it's with a friend or soul mate.

Most people would die just to have it for a second.

There's one fact we can't ignore, we're afraid of it.

No matter how hard we try,

there's always that doubt in the back of our mind.

About how we might not ever be able to grasp it when we see it,

or that it will be taken away.

Everyone is at least a little afraid,

because we know the pain,

the wrenching ache where our heart was ripped out.

We can feel it everyday know matter how hard we try to ignore it.

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