It Kills Me | Teen Ink

It Kills Me

May 29, 2008
By countrygal32593 SILVER, Kernersville, North Carolina
countrygal32593 SILVER, Kernersville, North Carolina
8 articles 4 photos 1 comment

I feel like at times there is no point
No point to life at all.
so at times all I can do is cry,
or just don't say anything at all.
It kills me that I can't tell you.
It kills me I can't trust half the people I see on a regular basis.
It kills me that I don't have a normal relationship with my parents.
It kills me that i have to get in trouble to get there attention within a reasonable amount.
It kills me that i can't tell the majority of my friends whats wrong.
It kills me that I can't be open to anyone no matter how long I have known them.
You have no idea how much I hold back from you everyday.

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