Stuttering Empty Apologies | Teen Ink

Stuttering Empty Apologies

May 29, 2008
By Anonymous

Lexis spill out from behind clenched
teeth and coat the inky air.
A profound, yet subtle message.
Regarding the emptiness felt.

The world is mine.
I am alone at last.

This is my haven;
my sanctuary of ebony.

Shadows swirl and dance to the
irregular beating of my heart.
The mind dreams of drifting.

This feeling of grandeur lasts
only as long as the stars shine luminescent.

A placid serenity captures my being
and my fingers keep moving.
Moving to spell out what this really is.

A curse,
or a blessing?
I suppose I shall never know the true
value of this stoic hymn.

I may conquer my desires
in these hours of darkness.
They cry out to me.
They want me to seek peace.

But war is all I should find in this prison.

Mind races
Heart pounds.
Soul quivers.
Body wearies.

A lullaby of hallucinations
pacify this weary spirit.
For once,
I close my somnolent eyes.

The fayth have ceased
their endless dreaming.
We share the same story.
Restless and fatigued
of redundant nights
and cyclic days.

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