Sun Kissed | Teen Ink

Sun Kissed

March 9, 2008
By Anonymous

The water like me is calm today.
The smell of suntan lotion fills the air,
while the architects build their castles,
and the seagulls fly above, keeping a close watch.
Days like these are my favorite.

Days when each grain of sand,
creates a sensational tickle
as clumps squeeze through each crook of my toes.

Days when the waves trickle,
up and down my feet,
then retreat back like a game of tag.

Days when the trees create a sweet, soft sound,
as they whistle in the wind,
created from the chilled waters below.

Days like these are my favorite,
the soothing sand, breathing in fresh air,
and the pure sea taste, that quenches the thirst of the sun kissed shore.

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