Indispensable | Teen Ink


May 18, 2010
By NBernat BRONZE, Tower Lakes, Illinois
NBernat BRONZE, Tower Lakes, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was a potion maker.
I searched far and wide—
from the basement to my closet
from the driveway to the swingset.
I scavenged for new ingredients that would enrich my concoction—grass, pebbles, leaves, beads, Barbie shoes, and Legos.
I put each ingredient in my magic box and shook it until the ingredients became an elixir of life.

Kelly was in charge of my patients.
She ran beside me,
carrying each Barbie, Furby, and American Girl Doll who needed a cure.
She tended to their needs,
and told me when I needed to hurry up, because they were getting worse.

When my patients were on the brink of death, I would find the final, most crucial ingredient,
and at last, my patients would live to see another day.
I had a purpose- somebody needed me;
me, the baby of the family, the one who needed everyone, the one who nobody needed.
I became a hero, and all my toys owed their lives to me.

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