Moving On | Teen Ink

Moving On

May 23, 2008
By Anonymous

I want you to know that it breaks me to do this,
But it's the only way I can feel whole again.
I thought you and I were really going to make it,
Hopes were set high on such a young thing.
Could that be where I faultered?
Pressures of perfection naturally destroying what it lays on.
So why is it that I still feel so mislead?
Like you built my hopes up for them to come crashing back down.
If numb were a sensation, that's how I would feel.
But things can't be that simple.
Numbness and confusion have captured my being.
My mind twists and turns with each arising dilema.
Letting go has taken on a new meaning,
A deeper meaning.
It's letting go of all that we've had.
Old environments have a tendancy of becoming comfortable,
And that's where I fall for you.
And that's exactly where I can't be.

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