"Anxiety" | Teen Ink


October 8, 2007
By Anonymous

I am fear.
I am rejection.
I am the pain that grows like a hole.
I am the friends that ditched you and the wife that kicks you in the heart when all you need is her soul.
So pray to me and just say to me, "Please God won't you go away!"
But like a guilty concience, when you wake in the morning, you'll find that I'm here to stay.
You want it to stop.
You just want to drop to your knees so maybe you can stop the shake.
But when you actually have time to think to yourself you find there's so much more at stake.
Then I grow like a blow to the chest leaving you crippled and bruised on the floor.
And the thing you'll find hardest to cope with is that you can't just kick me out your front door.
I am here.
I am constant.
I am never going to leave.
I am fear.
I am anxiety.
And I will never let you breathe.

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