Ode to Mother | Teen Ink

Ode to Mother

February 23, 2010
By himynamesryanwhatsyours? SILVER, Christiana, Pennsylvania
himynamesryanwhatsyours? SILVER, Christiana, Pennsylvania
9 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Ode to Mother
Mom you are the most favorite mom I have ever had
You used to tuck me in at night

You brought me into this world and for that I love you

You give me money whenever I ask
You give me a second chance when I mess up

Mother you take me on vacation
You allow me to go to parties your are so cool
Mother you are the nicest mom I have ever had
You gave me 3 dogs and they are the bomb

You didn’t have to have 2 other kids
You are a career woman that’s makes bank
You are a mom that will always protect me
You will go to great lengths to give me everything I want and need

Mom I love you
You are cooler than all my other friends’ moms
Those other mothers are getting blown in the dust
Mother you are my most favorite mom in the whole entire world

The author's comments:
i had to do it for class

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