How Big is Space | Teen Ink

How Big is Space

February 2, 2010
By poet-u-knowit BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
poet-u-knowit BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If I had more time, I would write less." Mark Twain

My son and I went for a walk in the park.
Eventually it began to get dark.
We sat on a bench and gazed at the stars
And wondered how a light could be seen from so far.
“Daddy,” my son asked with a curious face.
“I’m begging to know, how big is space?”
I sat there in shock at the question he beckoned.
So I responded by asking, “How big do you reckon.”
“I think space is gigantic.” he said
“It’s bigger than any book I’ve ever read”
It’s larger than life, or a voluminous sea.
It quite the sight, now, don’t you agree.
Someday I dream of flying to space
As part of an exploration or race.
I’ll build the fastest spaceship around.
With boosters emitting the sweetest of sounds
I’ll fly to the moon to Mars and beyond.
Seeing sights like Uranus (hee-hee) so on
I’ll fly to the center of the Milky Way
Where a black hole will take me way far away
But that wouldn’t be a fun thing to do.
Because I would so far away from you”
After he finished up pleading his case
He sat in my lap and looked at my face.
He said to me, “Gosh space must be huge,
But it doesn’t compare to how much I love you.

The author's comments:
To be honest, I just made this poem up off the top of my head. This poem is meant to be funny, sentimental and somewhat corny

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