The Skater & Her Skate | Teen Ink

The Skater & Her Skate

January 7, 2010
By Anonymous

She is alone,
Facing the huge audience,
Nerves bouncing up and down in her,
Stomach full of butterflies.

The music starts,
She immediately feels her nerves melt,
Onto the smooth cold surface below.
She relaxes, and lets her muscles
Be the boss that perfects her every move.

The cold air of the arena brushes against,
Her perfectly curled hair.
There is a sudden change to the music,
As she launches herself into the cold air.
As she hovers over the ice,
Time Stops!

A tingle shoots through her entire body,
It seems like an eternity has passed,
before her body molds its self into,
a brand new boot and blade,
that now is guided by a young skaters foot.

Wobbling to and fro the skate and the skater,
are now one,
never apart,
together forever.

The author's comments:
This is a transformation poem.

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