Ready for Change | Teen Ink

Ready for Change

December 10, 2009
By tennisgirl BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
tennisgirl BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Red, orange yellow and brown, all the leaves have fallen down.
Halloween and thanksgiving have quickly passed,
Now its time for a new season at last!
The fresh white snow, the colorful lights, and the hidden presents fill hearts with delight.

Halloween and thanksgiving have quickly passed.
How is it that pumpkins and costumes and turkeys have left us so fast?
The fresh white snow, the colorful lights, and the hidden presents fill hearts with delight.
Family gatherings, cookies, cakes and more, lots of great food and candy for our families to adore.

How is it that pumpkins and costumes and turkeys have left us so fast?
The cold air and howling winds, join the barren flower beds reminds us of what’s ahead.
Family gatherings, cookies, cakes and more, lots of great food and candy for our families to adore.
Skiing, skating, and snowmen too, singing and traveling we took forward to do.

Red, orange yellow and brown, all the leaves have fallen down.
The cold air and howling winds, join the barren flower beds, reminds us of what’s ahead.
Skiing, skating, and snowmen too, singing and traveling we took forward to do.
Now its time for a new season at last!

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