The Evil Adventures Of Marshmallow Fluff | Teen Ink

The Evil Adventures Of Marshmallow Fluff MAG

By Anonymous

   A chemical experiment

gone insanely awry

produced this unearthly substance.

Not unlike the muck and mire

common to bogs and swamps

the ground which appears dry,

but seizes your foot as you stop

and refuses to release it.

Looking harmless, but secretly sinister

it grabs every object tightly,

clinging to every finger,

sticking to the bread,

and holding the knife prisoner.

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This article has 2 comments.

taylorr, (: said...
on Feb. 13 2009 at 3:01 am
I really think kids should have extended school dayss.

Students have 20 minutes to eat their lunch with the friends that share the same lunch period. They have 3 to 5 minutes to change classes, talk to their friends, use the restroom, or grab books from their lockers. They are pressed for time, and have a great deal of pressure to find the time to be social-which is just as important to their development as education. More school days would allow for social time, a longer lunch period-a short 10 minute break between classes to chat with friends, walk to their lockers, get their items and get to class-with a lot less pressure. A longer school day would also allow for longer class periods. A typical class period is 40 minutes long. With the proposed extended school day, and extra 20 minutes could be added to each class-virtually eliminating the need for a tougher curriculum. Students in this situation could learn quicker and cover more material. The schedule wouldn't be rigorous or demanding, and older students from 7th grade through 12th grade could socialize, learn, and discover much more about themselves and the world around them. Physical education should be a part of their day every day, as well as nutrition and life skills. This will also help adolescents lead healthier lifestyles. This is also just as beneficial for younger children. Younger children could devote more time to playing and learning to be social.


Sony said...
on Jan. 10 2009 at 2:55 pm
I thought this was really funny! : ) Good job.